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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming third annual JOUN conference "Joint conference in Uveitis and Neuro-ophthalmology" that will be held on 18-19th July 2024, in Nazareth.
"JOUN 2024" promises to be outstanding once again, aiming to provide the most recent advances in uveitis and neuroophthalmology to residents, fellows, comprehensive ophthalmologists and physicians who manage uveitis and neuroophthalmology patients: from the most appropriate techniques in diagnosis to how to provide personalized management and the most current therapies.
"JOUN 2024" conference faculty will include world-leading experts from USA: Professor James
T. Rosenbaum, the world’s most impactful uveitis scientist for the years 2013 to 2023 based on publications and citations and Professor Steffen Ellitsgaard Hamann, Clinical associate research
professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, in addition to leading national experts.
“JOUN 2024” will be held in the historical city of Nazareth, which was founded 2200 BC.
Nazareth, known for its historical significance and cultural heritage, offers an ideal backdrop for
this conference. Its rich blend of tradition and modernity, combined with its warm hospitality,
will create an unforgettable experience for all attendees.
We look forward to welcoming you to JOUN 2024 and look forward to team up, share
knowledge, expand networking and inspire the younger generation of ophthalmologists.
Sincerely Yours,
Conference Chairpersons
Radgonde Amer, MD Danial Rappoport, MD
Daniel Rappoport
Radgonde Amer
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Professor James T. Rosenbaum
James T. Rosenbaum, MD is the Senior Vice-President for Research at Corvus Pharmaceuticals, Burlingame, California and the Chair Emeritus of the Legacy Devers Eye Institute, Portland, Oregon, USA. Previously he was Professor of Ophthalmology, Medicine, and Cell Biology at Oregon Health & Science University and chair of the Division of Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases for 21 years. He held the Edward E Rosenbaum Professorship named for his father.
According to ExpertScape, he is the world’s most impactful uveitis scientist for the years 2013 to 2023 based on publications and citations. Wikipedia notes that he is the world’s only practicing rheumatologist to have headed a department of ophthalmology. He is the author of more than 650 peer reviewed manuscripts or book chapters and the recipient of a number of national and international awards in rheumatology as well as ophthalmology including the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Distinguished Service Award (2022), the ACR Clinician Scientist Award, and the ARVO Friedenwald Award.
Professor Steffen Hamann
Dr. Steffen Hamann is a Clinical Research Associate Professor and Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmologist, at the Department of Ophthalmology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Hamann’s research interests center around optic neuropathies, where axonal compression and loss of blood supply lead to loss of vision. In particular, the focus is on the pathology of increased intracranial pressure states, ischemic optic neuropathy, and
optic disc drusen. In addition, his group is aiming at developing analytical tools and interpretation guidelines for advanced imaging modalities including deep learning algorithms of the optic nerve head with a particular focus on the distinction between papilledema and pseudo- papilledema. He has published more than 125 peer-reviewed, scientific papers. In 2015 Dr. Hamann founded the international Optic Disc Drusen Studies (ODDS) Consortium of which he is Chair. The consortium consists of highly dedicated optic nerve researchers from 15 different countries and 4 continents. Dr. Hamann is also chairman for neuro-ophthalmology of
the European Reference Networks for Rare Diseases.
Faculty Members-Joun 2024
Local Organizing Committee
Haneen Jabaly-Habib, MD
Chair, Department of Ophthalmology
Tzafon Medical Center
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Guidelines for Presenters
Guidelines for Presenters
• For your presentation to be uploaded, all presenters must register for the conference.
• Please submit your presentation to the following email, no later than July 12th midnight:
• Jounramada2022@gmail.com
• Ensure that you are aware of the time limit of your presentation and that you do not
exceed this limit.
• For presenters who did not manage to submit their presentation by the allocated
time, make sure you deliver your presentation on a USB memory key to the
technician ahead of time, so as not to cause any delay in the schedule. The
technician helps the speaker to transfer his or her presentation into the central
congress network.
• The use of personal laptop is not allowed.
• Presentations are to be given in English.
• The name of the presentation file should include: the name of the lecturer, the day and
the date of the presentation, the session number, and the time of the presentation,
separated by dashes only (-).
Example: John Mark-Thursday-march 24-session 1- time 1530
Thank you very much,
Scientific Committee